InterCalc is a simple application which uses linear interpolation to calculate output values that occur between input values.
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After inputting a set of X-Y coordinates through the setup view to describe any sort of function, points at other values of X or Y are linearly interpolated based on the nearest neighbors. In the Conversion view an X value is converted / interpolated to the corresponding Y value using the input X-Y data.

One simple example use for this application is estimating the volume of liquid in a container given the pressure at the bottom of the container. As the container is initially filled, pressure readings can be taken from the bottom of the container, and recorded together with the volume of fluid in the container at the time. Subsequently the amount of fluid in the container can be estimated simply by measuring the pressure at the bottom of the tank and then converting that pressure value to a volume using the preceding measurements.

Conversion of pressure ( 17 inches ) to gallons ( 71.8 gallons). Previous conversions are shown in the list below making it easy to keep track of changing values. Items can be deleted from this list by swiping to the left on any item.

Setup lists the current conversions that have been configured. Tap the + sign to add a new conversion.
New Conversion

After tapping the + sign in the upper right, configure the new conversion here. The first 3 lines simply deal with the description of the conversion: Title, Convert (from) and (convert) To. The fourth line is used to specify the number of digits to the right of the decimal in the result. The Recents line specifies how many recent values (or previous values) are retained in the list.
The X and Y values are entered to describe the relationship. The column names change to match Convert (from) and (convert) To.
Linear Conversion
Linear conversions are easy to perform - for example converting Celcius to Fahrenheit or kph to mph, or kg to pounds - or any currency conversion.

Simply enter two points on the line and the conversion is complete. For example to convert C to F, simply enter two corresponding points, such as the freezing and boiling points.